Henry Garcia-Alvarez is a fifth generation Californian and is truly a “Has Been.” Henry has been a musician: played clarinet for male circumcisions in Turkey; played Glen Miller ‘big-band’ tunes for General Canard in Vietnam. Henry has been an international adventurer: for five hundred German Marks – the best cash money to have in all of the Middle East at that time – Henry assumed ‘ownership’ of a car and helped ‘deliver’ it into Iran. Henry has been a scab laborer in Paris, France: 1968. Henry has been a successful student through the University of California system to become an International Development Specialist in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Paraguay, and Panama: specializing in Medicinal Herb Production and Processing.
Everyone with whom Henry has shared a conversation tells him, “You tell a good story. Why don’t you write them? It’s so easy now with digital.” Henry has been writing: eleven stories exist – hand written in ink and graphite. Two could be plays, one a novella, two are creative memoirs, and six are short stories. Henry is a current member of the California Writers Club – Sacramento. He anticipates, with club member guidance, to get his stories ready for publication.