Making words come alive. That’s what floats audiobook narrator Dena Kouremetis’ boat. Whether it’s a memoir, a fantasy, or a novel replete with character accents and mood-altering scenes, she considers it her job to make an audio “movie” out of your written word.
Having been a professional writer for more than 25 years, Kouremetis is unique in the voice-acting world. Her name has appeared on articles and blogs ranging from the Sacramento Bee to Forbes to the New York Post to Psychology Today, where she maintains a light-hearted blog titled (R)aging with Grace — a Nora Ephron-esque column on aging well.
“Narrating audiobooks is an honor for me,” she says. “I have a special understanding of how authors wear their hearts on their sleeves. My job is to handle their words with both imagination and care.” Find a collection of Kouremetis’ colorful narration talents at