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Legend of Cinnamon Valley (Kindle Edition)

 Author: Lois Frazier  Category: Children, Fiction  Publisher: Dragonfly Studios  Published: 2012  ISBN: B008EM301W  Country: United States  Buy Now

Note: This Kindle version is sold under the pen name Lois Frazier, written by Lois Buchter

For 11 year-old Victoria, life hasn’t been a fairytale. Her mother and grandmother recently passed and she off on her first camping trip with her father, Jonathan. While camping her father weaves a fantastical tale about fairies, trolls and a special guardian of their indian lands. Victoria is amazed when she is able to produce a little special magic on her own in the glade and now listens more intently to the tale of the Star-Maiden, a water dragon named Seamus and their friends in the land behind the gateway through the mountains. Is the tale true or just another one of her fathers’ stories? Could a real fairy live in Cinnamon Valley?

ASIN: B008EM301W
