Without Sidetracking Your Writing Time
Erika Mailman
Friday, June 1, 2018
9-11 AM Coco’s, 7887 Madison Avenue, Citrus Heights
Everyone claims that authors must be involved in social media to help promote their books—but how do you do this without feeling like you’re stealing time away from producing new work? Join us to hear novelist Erika Mailman give tips to engage in short, effective bursts and to grow a follower base. This presentation will be of interest to writers of novels, nonfiction books, short stories, memoir, poetry, and dramatic formats.
Erika is the distinguished author of four historical novels: The Witch’s Trinity, a San Francisco Chronicle Notable Book which Khaled Hosseini called “gripping”; Woman of Ill Fame, which is about a Gold Rush prostitute; House of Bellaver, which is a literary ghost story set in Oakland; and now The Murderer’s Maid: a Lizzie Borden Novel. With an MFA in poetry from the University of Arizona, Erika has been a Yaddo fellow and has also served as a juror for the Shirley Jackson Awards. Under the pen name Lynn Carthage, she writes Y.A. fiction. Her websites are and
The California Writers Club–Sacramento Branch Networking Meeting is held the first Friday of every month at Coco’s Restaurant, 7887 Madison Avenue, Citrus Heights, at the corner of Madison and Sunrise, starting at 9 a.m. Meetings are free. Attendees pay for their own breakfast.
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