A critique group is a small group of writers who gather regularly to share their writing with each other. It is an organized and structured method to receive, and give, constructive criticism on each other’s writing. Sharing honest feedback between writers is often a learning experience for both the writer and the reader, and is an important part of the writing process for both the novice and the experienced professional.
It is essential to find a group of fellow writers who can work together constructively.
Below are a few of the critique groups our club members have established:
Science Fiction
- Contact Person: Dennis Mahoney ddcmahoney@aol.com
- No of Members: 3
- How often? 1x / month
- Location: Zoom
- Open to new members? YES
Diamond Writers
- Mixed genre
- Contact Person: John Patterson 2johnpatterson@gmail.com; Marcia Ehinger mehinger@comcast.net
- No of Members: 5
- How often? 1x / month
- Location: Varies
- Open to new members? NO
Fiction Critique Group
- Contact Person: Dawne Lange dawne.lange@gmail.com
- Number of Members: 4
- How often? 1x / month
- Where? at member’s home
- Open to new member: YES
Kit’s Group
- Mixed Genre
- Contact Person: Bonnie Gault Blue beaublue4@gmail.com
- No of Members: 5
- How often? 1x / month
- Location: Zoom and Sacramento County locations
- Open to new members? NO
Ruff Writers
- Mixed Genre
- Contact Person: Mary Beth Defer marybethdefer@gmail.com; Ann Chehak annchehak@comcast.net
- No of Members: varies
- How often? 1x / month
- Location: member’s homes
- Open to new members? YES
Quantum Quills
- Fantasy and Science Fiction Genre
- Contact Person: Keaton Yost kayost08@gmail.com
- No of Members: 3
- How often? 1x / month
- Location: online on Discord
- Open to new members? YES
History / Historical Fiction / Mixed Non-Fiction
- Contact Person: Eric Sweigert sweigerte@gmail.com
- No of Members: 4
- How often? 1 x / month
- Location: Member’s homes
- Open to new members? No
Resources and Documents
Notes from critique kick off meeting Jan 20, 2024.
Critique best practices.
Methods for Poetry Critique vary from prose. These suggestions were developed by member Susan Dlugach.
Much more can be found online. If you think any relevant documents should be listed here, please contact us.
What follows is intended to inspire potential critique groups.
The Eagle and Child is a famous pub in Oxford England. Although small and humble, it was the meeting place of a select group of writers who called themselves the Inklings. This included such names as C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, and many others. They would meet every Tuesday evening to exchange manuscripts and discuss each other’s writing.
If you see this sign, you are in the right place!
This is the pub on 49 St. Giles, Oxford, UK OX1 3LU. An unassuming little place with huge ideals.
I can imagine these guys sitting in this room, discussing their manuscripts after too many pints of English ale.
“So,” Says J.R.R. Tolkien, “You’re writing a crazy story about a Lion who lives in a wardrobe with some demonic witch with a bunch of silly children?”
“Listen pal, if you don’t like it, I’ll ask you to step outside where I will bop you on the nose!”
Bear in mind, critique groups should not result in insult or injury.